Connecting People and the River

What We Do

  • We offer interactive sessions on-site and in classrooms. In schools, we let children create their own rain garden, go pond-dipping or offer a bespoke programme
  • We work with both communities and our corporate partners for hands-on days out
  • We create volunteering opportunities
  • We consult with communities and educate about using nature-based solutions that help rivers recover their wilder roots

How We Engage

The UK is not only one of the most nature-depleted countries worldwide, it is also a country with the lowest level of nature connection. Our river-focused engagement work aims to restore this connection-one session at a time.

At Trent Rivers Trust we understand the perilous state of our rivers, brooks and streams, but we also want people living in our local area to understand and cherish their river, feel inspired by the solutions and participate in their delivery.

Our engagement work does just that. We explore small brooks boasting species that cannot be found elsewhere, educate on how we can embed nature even in urban settings and invite volunteers to participate in hands-on work. This could involve clearing river sections off Invasive Non-Native Species, helping to create and maintain public footpaths or getting your hands dirty planting trees and vegetation.

Connection to our rivers is made stronger if access to them is easy. One of the ways in which we’re looking to achieve this is through our work on the Trent Valley Way, a walking path with the ambition to run from source-to-sea, aims to introduce day walkers and thru-hikers to explore the mighty Trent and the landscape it shapes.
If you would like to get involved head to our ‘Contact Us’ page.

Connecting People and the River Projects

River-Friendly Businesses

Facts and Figures

Our Catchments