River Restoration

What We Do

  • Remove redundant weirs and culverts
  • Re-profile banks
  • Create channel and wetland habitat
  • Build fry refugia and much more

How We Restore Rivers

Variety is the spice of life – this holds true for rivers, too. A natural river creates riffles, pools and a variety of bankside habitat. It flows at a range of speeds and creates a delicate web of life hosting invertebrates, fish, crustaceans, insects, mammals and birds in the process. Restoring a river often brings a range of benefits ranging from improved access to the water, new and connected habitats, improved water quality, carbon capture and often flood risk reduction.

With over 20 years of experience, we create projects tailored to the individual requirements of each brook, stream or river. We survey the land, liaise with landowners and responsible authorities, design and implement plans. Relying on long-standing local connections, our team of river restoration specialists develops projects that breathe new life into our rivers.

This is how our work typically progresses

  • We investigate

    Combining expertise and technology, we identify core problems. We model, conduct site walks, tag, survey and produce drone footage where necessary. Based on these insights, we make recommendations.

  • We liaise

    We speak to public and partner agencies and private landowners about opportunities and co-develop a plan.

  • We implement

    Based on the agreed plan, it’s time to muddy our boots as we deliver capital works.

  • We monitor

    Ideally, a solid body of baseline data provides the opportunity to showcase the impact of our work. Based on project aims, we run species surveys, test water quality, measure flow rates and outline future improvement that could be made.

River Restoration Projects

Trent Gateway

River Eye Restoration

Weston River Restoration

Facts and Figures

Our Catchments