SuDS for Wigeon Drive

Project Catchment



Tackling flood risk and pollution with nature-based solutions

Sealed surfaces cause flood risk. A 2020 study from John Hopkins University reveals that every time a city increases coverage of absorbent surfaces with roads, housing or parking lots by 1%, the annual flood magnitude in the nearby watercourse increases by 3.3%.

Flooding isn’t the only issue. With sealed surfaces comes pollution. A 2017 study reveals that 5-10% of microplastics in our oceans can be specifically attributed to tyre wear and tear (Kole et. al). Sadly, it is not only microplastics that cause harm, hydrocarbon and other pollutants often flow directly into nearby watercourses.

With this twin challenge in mind, the Trent Rivers Trust embarked on a pioneering project in Measham near the River Mease. Addressing the issue of surface water run-off from the nearby roads we worked on public land, near a housing estate to provide a Sustainable Drainage scheme that would prevent road run-off from running directly into the SSSI- and SAC-designated river.

This retrofitting project acts as a flagship for what Trent Rivers Trust wants to see as a standard – water-sensitive planning decisions in urban and rural settings. The earlier Sustainable Drainage systems are embedded in the planning process- the better.

Funded by the Trent Regional Flood and Coastal Committee, this scheme has transformed a previously plain bit of amenity grassland to provide multiple benefits, for the river as well as the local people.