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Dover Beck catchment restoration

Project Type

Project Catchment



Improving the resilience of Dover Beck

We are working in to improve the resilience of the watercourse in the Dover Beck catchment. This means we are looking at ways to help the area cope better with the impact that borehole abstraction has on the watercourse and surrounding habitat. Our aim is to tackle some of the issues the watercourses experiences, due to artificially low water levels in the headwaters of Dover Beck. These particularly impact the watercourse during dry periods when the water is naturally low in the catchment.

This is why increasing the catchment’s resilience to dry weather conditions is vital. To help reduce the impact on ecology and habitat, the work will focus on bringing the river closest to its natural function. While the focus lies on improving things during dry periods, the work will also boost biodiversity and habitat availability throughout the entire year.

This two-and-a-half-year project, led by Trent Rivers Trust in partnership with Severn Trent Water, will deliver works aimed at restoring ecological resilience. It uses a practical river and catchment restoration approach.